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Etikett: CAS

KKS – saturday challenge – july 3rd

KKS – saturday challenge – july 3rd

It’s time for another challenge over at Kraftin Kimmie!

It’s a favorite theme of mine – CAS! That will be Clean And Simple crafters. Can you do it? I’m sure you can so please join us!


We always enjoy your creations so be sure to submit them so you can WIN a $10 gift card to the Shop!! Show us your stuff!!
In addition to the great Krafty Challenges & Wonderful Wednesday, each month we will post a Sketch. The sketch will last all month long and if you use it in ANY of our Challenges or WW’s during that month you will get an additional chance to win a store gift card! You do NOT have to use the sketch, it’s just a little extra boost for your mojo if ya need it!

Now create a card, scrapbook page or altered item with a Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamp or any other stamp and be sure to use our THEME (CAS) as a starting point for your creation! You will have until July 10th at 11:55 pm EST to get your entries in.
Pull out those fabby stamps and play along! Have some krafty fun and join us this week.

Frugal Friday specials are UP! Every Friday Kimmie puts a handful of stampy goodness on sale! This is a perfect time to fulfill some of your wishlist. Also, mark your calendars cause July peeks start on Wednesday!

Det är lördag och dags för en ny utmaning hos Kraftin Kimmie!
Veckans tema är CAS (Clean And Simple) och det gäller att inte överarbeta sitt kort nu. Kom igen – häng med!

På onsdag börjar förhandsvisningarna av dom nya motiven som släpps i Juli! Lördag kväll 00.00 släpps dom i shoppen hos Kraftin Kimmie.


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie
Papers: Gummiapan
Embellishments: Bling
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E000-00-21-11-04-93, Hair: E39-29-49, Dress: RV69-66-63

Se det vackra – för Copic Marker Sverige

Se det vackra – för Copic Marker Sverige

It’s officially time for summer holiday! The kids are out of school and no more alarm in the morning. Lovely! This is my last day for Copic Marker Sverige before our summer break. I’ll be back july 27th for that week and then we will start our ordinary scheme the week after that. So, the blog will be alive during summer – don’t miss us!


Äntligen sommarlov! Barnen har slutat skolan och det är dags att gå in i sommarlunken. Såååå skönt! Nu håller vi bara tummarna för att vi får en solig och varm sommar så man törs vara ute. Idag är min sista dag på Copic Marker Sverige innan vårt sommaruppehåll, och jag är tillbaka igen hela v.31. Veckan efter kör vi igång på vanligt schema igen. Glöm alltså inte bort oss i sommar – bloggen uppdateras minst 2ggr /vecka under sommarperioden.


Stamps:  Saturated Canary, InkyWings
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Sequins
Tools: Butterfly punch (Martha Stewart)
Other: drips from mist bottle
Medium: Copics
Colors: Note with colors is lost – sorry.

KKS – preview day 1 – june

KKS – preview day 1 – june

Welcome to day one of the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps JUNE 2015 previews!


Today the Krafty Girls and Guests are thrilled to share with you….FIN-TASTIC FRIENDS!! It’s a fabulous new set by artist, Annie Rodrigue and we know some of you have been waiting for a NEW MERMAID set, so here it is! You’ll find so many amazing creations on today’s hop featuring both new images and sentiments from this sweet summer set.


We know you are just going to LOVE these beauties and you’ll be inspired as you check them out today!! Each set comes with the two fabulous image stamps, three awesome accessory stamps plus EIGHT coordinating sentiments!

I have stamped up a SCENE with some of the new stamps today. Thought it was a bit playful to put her under water for this. Hope you like it!


Below you will find all the Krafty Girls and Guests who have goodies to show you today and while you’re visiting their blogs, be sure to leave some love at each stop because one lucky stamper from all the comments this week is going to WIN some $$ to the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps Shop.
ALL of our JUNE stamps will be available on Saturday night at the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps Shop. Be sure to join us for an hour of celebrating the new stamp sets, fun and prizes on Saturday evening at our LIVE ONLINE RELEASE PARTY!! Come hang out with the Krafty Girls, Guests and Kim.


Dags för en ny release hos Kraftin Kimmie Stamps. På lördag kväll kl. 00.00 svensk tid är det releaseparty och alla stämplar släpps i shoppen! Innan dess är det förhandsvisning på design teamets bloggar i dagarna tre. Fina priser att vinna för någon som lämnat kommentarer runt i bloggarna!


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie
Papers: ?
Other: Pearlmaker
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E000-00-21-11-04-93, Hair: Y11-21-YR23-E33-35, Fishtail: BG01-05-07-09-11-YG00, Sand: E30-31-33-35-42-44, Grass: YG67-63-11

Thank you cards – for Visible Image

Thank you cards – for Visible Image

First month of the summer – but WHERE is it? Not at my place anyway. I’m lucky I have a cozy studio to be in these days. I’ve made two Clean And Simple cards with Visible Image stamps. Just love them for their easy use. You just can’t go wrong. The first card (Yellow/Orange) is stamped on water color paper. I’ve used rainbow ink and misted some water on the stamp before I stamped it on the paper. That makes the soft impression. The flowers and word are from the Thank You set. It’s so useful!
The edges of the water color paper is colored by first wet it with a brush with water, then I held the edge into the ink pad to let it absorbe some color. All the way around.

The other card is super super easy, and just perfect for a man/guy! I stamped the text and image on kraft paper and drew a line around it. I’ve used one of the brown distress ink-pads. The words is from the Thank You set and the car is Vintage Car. Only a few blings as decoration.


Det är juni och första sommarmånaden! Men VAR 17 är sommaren??? Tur man har ett varmt skönt pysselrum!
Idag blir det två CAS-kort för Visible Image. Underbara stämplar, enkla att använda. Det gul-orange kortet är stämplat på akvarellpapper. Jag har använt en regnbågsdyna och innan jag stämplade så sprayade jag lite vatten på stämpeln så färgerna flöt ihop en aning. Det ger oxå ett lite mjukare utseende när det är stämplat. Blommor och text kommer från Thank You set. Kanterna blötte jag upp lite och doppade i stämpeldynan så dom fick suga åt sig lite färg.

Det andra kortet är superenkelt och perfekt till en biltokig man/kille. Motiv och text är stämplat med en brun distressdyna på kraft-papper. Drog en enkel linje runt kanten och satte dit några bling bara. Texten är från Thank You set och bilen är Vintage Car.



Stamps:  Visible Image
Papers: Cardstock & Water color paper.
Embellishments: Bling, Ribbon
Tools: Minimister with water
Medium: Rainbow ink pad (Color Blox), Distress ink pad.

You will find all the amazing Visible Image Design Team inspiration over on the BLOG. Come and JOIN the Facebook Group where you can enter our NEW ‘Show & Tell Challenge‘ for your chance to WIN some awesome Visible Image stamps! And don’t forget to LIKE the Visible Image FACEBOOK PAGE too.

KKS – may release wednesday

KKS – may release wednesday

I’m happy to share the newest set of elegant sentiments by artist BECKY PEARCE and it is called SINCERE SYMPATHY!


Welcome back to day TWO of our May Kraftin’ Kimmie Peeks!!! Have you been enjoying the peeks so far?? We’ve got more beauties for you today!


Now, no one likes to have to make a sympathy card but as cardmakers, it something we all must do. That’s what today’s preview is all about. You’ll find beautiful samples and inspiration for a theme hard to deal with. This set includes EIGHT lovely sentiments and you’ll see them all as you hop around the blogs today!


Are you planning to join us for our LIVE ONLINE RELEASE PARTY!!! Hope you can join us for all the fun and excitement and prizes Saturday night beginning at 6pm EST!! Hope you can come hang out with the me and Krafty Girls!


All the Krafty Girls and Guests listed below have lots of beautiful designs to show you featuring these gorgeous new stamps from Becky! And while you’re hopping around, be sure to leave a comment because we are giving away a gift card!!! You could WIN some Krafty $$$ to spend at the shop!!!! {This winner will be announced at the party on Saturday!}
Happy hoppin’!

I’ve made another CAS for todays peek, as I think the words is the important thing here and they need to pop out. A card you can put together of just scrap pieces if you like.


Ett enkelt stilfullt CAS-kort idag igen. Eftersom det är texten som är viktig så ville jag att den skulle få fokus och poppa fram lite på kortet. Praktiskt taget ett kort gjort på spillbitar.


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie Stamps
Papers: Small scraps
Embellishments: Bling (Nellie Snellen)
Tools: Dies with stitched frame (Lawn Fawn)
Medium: Black inkpad