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Etikett: Wonderful Wednesday

KKS – WW jan 20th.

KKS – WW jan 20th.

It’s time for a Wonderful Wednesday!

I’ve used one of the brand new stamps for January on my card today.


The NEW release is LIVE and in the store at Kraftin’ Kimmie!
We want EVERYONE to be able to play along so your submission can use ANY stamp and can be any theme, any style, any design and it can be a card, a scrapbook page, an altered item….you name it. It must be a NEW creation and you can enter until January 26th at midnight! At the end of the month one random winner will be chosen from all the submissions for the whole month and will receive a $20 Gift Card to the shop!

In addition to the great Krafty Challenges & Wonderful Wednesday, each month we will post a Sketch.

The sketch will last all month long and if you use it in ANY of our Challenges or WW’s during that month you will get an additional chance to win a store gift card. You do NOT have to use the sketch, it’s just a little extra boost for your mojo if ya need it.


Då var det Onsdag igen och en ny härlig utmaning hos Kraftin Kimmie. Varje Onsdag är det “anything goes” och du kan bidra med vilket alster du vill, bara det är något stämplat på det! Du har en vecka på dig att ladda upp ditt bidrag i Kimmies blogg. Behöver du lite extra inspiration så finns skissen här ovan för Januari.


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie Stamps
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Flowers, Ribbon, Lace, Washitape
Tools: Stitched rectangle (Lawn Fawn)
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E00-01-21-11-04-93-95, Hair: E57-55-53-Y21, Shirt: B02-01-00, Shorts: W7-5-3, Cat: E09-99-97

KKS – WW december 15th

KKS – WW december 15th

It’s Wonderful Wednesday time!
This will be the last one for this month, and this year, s o dig out your Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps and get krafty!
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We want EVERYONE to be able to play along so your submission can use ANY stamp and can be any theme, any style, any design and it can be a card, a scrapbook page, an altered item….you name it. The theme is as always ANYTHING GOES! It must be a NEW creation and you can enter on this post until January 5th at midnight. At the end of the month one random winner will be chosen from all the submissions for the whole month and will receive a $20 Gift Card to the shop. What do you think…..wanna WIN? Let’s see your krafty stuff!

And don’t miss that the December release is IN THE KRAFTY STORE!

In addition to the great Krafty Challenges & Wonderful Wednesday, each month we will post a Sketch. The sketch will last all month long and if you use it in ANY of our Challenges or WW’s during that month you will get an additional chance to win a store gift card!


You do NOT have to use the sketch, it’s just a little extra boost for your mojo if ya need it!


Då var det dags för årets sista Wonderful Wednesday.
Som vanligt är det “Anything Goes” som gäller, och du kan skapa fritt med vilka stämplar du vill och vilket typ av alster som helst. Den här gången har du extra lång tid på dig och ditt bidrag behöver vara inne vid midnatt den 5 januari som senast. Använd gärna skissen ovan om du vill, det är månadens inspirations-skiss.

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Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie Stamps
Medium: Copics

KKS – WW november 25th

KKS – WW november 25th

Welcome to a Wonderful Wednesday at Kraftin Kimmie Stamps!
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I can’t believe how much I’ve used these sentenses already! I just LOVE them! Useful and beautiful.


As always it is Anything Goes at Wednesdays.
We want EVERYONE to be able to play along so your submission can use ANY stamp and can be any theme, any style, any design and it can be a card, a scrapbook page, an altered item….you name it. It must be a NEW creation and you can enter on this post until November 10th at midnight! At the end of the month one random winner will be chosen from all the submissions for the whole month and will receive a $20 Gift Card to the shop. What do you think…..wanna WIN? Let’s see your krafty stuff!


Ännu ett av dom lite enklare julkorten som passar utmärkt att göra med dom där spillbitarna som blir över. För att klämma dit en liten “piff” har jag lagt till lite snöre och några bling. Är så förtjust i texterna eftersom det både är fina ord och vackert utformat. Mycket användbart alltså! Kittet heter The Magic of Christmas.

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Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie Stamps
Papers:Kraft, Maja Design
Embellishments: Bling, Sequins,
Tools: Pierced circle (DieNamics)

KKS – WW November 4th

KKS – WW November 4th

Welcome back to a new Wonderful Wednesday. Today I’m the host for you at Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps.

As always it is Anything Goes at Wednesdays.
We want EVERYONE to be able to play along so your submission can use ANY stamp and can be any theme, any style, any design and it can be a card, a scrapbook page, an altered item….you name it. It must be a NEW creation and you can enter on this post until November 10th at midnight! At the end of the month one random winner will be chosen from all the submissions for the whole month and will receive a $20 Gift Card to the shop. What do you think…..wanna WIN? Let’s see your krafty stuff!


I kept the card pretty simple today and just added a small piece of patterned paper on top. That shows most of the image.

Have you joined our 10,000th order GIVEAWAY? Check out the KKS Facebook Friends page and play along! Kimmie’s posted a FABULOUS gift package!!

Hej hopp! Idag är det Wonderful Wednesday hos Kraftin Kimmie och det innebär en ny utmaning. Som vanligt är det “anything goes” på onsdagar och du kan delta med ett kort, en scrappad sida, ett altrat projekt eller nästan vad som helst. Du måste ha stämplat på det och det måste vara något NYTT. Jag är värdinna denna vecka så ni hittar mitt kort även på Kraftin’ Kimmies blogg.
Hoppas du vill hänga med!


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie
Embellishments: Ribbon, Bling (Nellie Snellen)
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E000-00-21-11-04-93, Hair: E49-29-39, Green: YG99-97-95-93

KKS – WW october 21st

KKS – WW october 21st

Hi and hello!
It’s a wonderful wednesday again over at Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps.


Another christmas card from me with some lovely friends from Snow Wonder set. Right Now you can save 35% on those! Hurry Up!

We want EVERYONE to be able to play along so your submission can use ANY stamp and can be any theme, any style, any design and it can be a card, a scrapbook page, an altered item….you name it!! It must be a NEW creation and you can enter at Kraftin’ Kimmies blog until october 27th midnight. At the end of the month one random winner will be chosen from all the submissions for the whole month and will receive a $20 Gift Card to the shop! What do you think…..wanna WIN? Let’s see your krafty stuff!


HUGE, BIG Krafty Sale still going on at the Krafty Store! While Kimmie’s on vacation you can score HUGE savings on several Krafty goodies on your wishlist!


Ännu ett litet julkort till samlingen.
Skönt när det blir ett då och då. Just nu kan du faktiskt spara 35% på just det här stämpelsetet… “bossen” (Kimmie) är på semester och under tiden har hon lagt upp en hel drös stämplar på erbjudande! Missa inte det.


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie Stamps
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Flowers, Sequins, Cheese Cloth,
Tools: Circles (Die Namics)
Medium: Copics
Colors: Snow: C00-B000-0000, Hat: W00-1-3-R59-37-35, Scarf: YG99-67-63-61, Rabbit: W5-3-1-R20