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KKS – WW april 27th

KKS – WW april 27th

It’s Wonderful Wednesday time!

I felt for a circle card this time. Aren’t they cute? I went for the same kind of mini scene with this card as I did with my other gnome-card since I really loved it. Just fuzzy cut your images and build the scene together. Piece of cake!

As always….it’s ANYTHING GOES. Break out your Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps and get krafty.
We want EVERYONE to be able to play along so your submission can use ANY stamp and can be any theme, any style, any design and it can be a card, a scrapbook page, an altered item….you name it. It must be a NEW creation and you can enter on Kimmies blog until May 3rd at midnight. At the end of the month one random winner will be chosen from all the submissions for the whole month and will receive a $20 Gift Card to the shop. What do you think…..wanna WIN? Let’s see your krafty stuff!


In addition to the great Krafty Challenges & Wonderful Wednesday, each month we will post a Sketch. The sketch will last all month long and if you use it in ANY of our Challenges or WW’s during that month you will get an additional chance to win a store gift card. You do NOT have to use the sketch, it’s just a little extra boost for your mojo if ya need it.

Dags för en onsdagsutmaning hos Kraftin Kimmie.
Som vanligt kan du göra ett valfritt alster med valfria stämplar. Du laddar upp senast 3 maj i Kimmies blog.

Som inspiration har jag denna gången gjort ett runt kort. Busenkelt med Cheery Lynns stora stackers-dies. Motiven är urklippta och sen var det bara att sätta ihop en liten scen av sällskapet.


Stamps:  Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Enamel dots
Medium: copics
Colors: Skin: E00-01-21-11-04, Hair: E35-YR23-Y11, Grey: W5-3-1-00, C5-3-1-00, Red: E19-07-R24