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Etikett: Sport

KKS – challenge february 18th

KKS – challenge february 18th

What a lovely Saturday!
We have a new challenge for you over at Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps so go get Krafty!

I’ve used the february sketch for my card and one of the guys from the new Sporty set. Could have been my husband when he was younger… lol… The colorful strip is a leftover from a piece of mixed media I made. It was too beautiful to toss away.


We always enjoy your creations so be sure to submit them so you can have a chance to WIN a $20 gift card to the Shop! In keeping in line with the rest of our challenges (Wonderful Wednesday and our NEW Krafty Scrappy Challenge), we will be drawing one winner per month from all Saturday Challenge entries to win a $20 gift card! You can enter as many times per month as you’d like. Now create a card, scrapbook page or altered item with a Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamp or any other stamp and be sure to use our THEME Sketch or Dk Blue, Lt Blue, Silver/Gray colors as a starting point for your creation. You will have one week to get your entries in at Kraftin’ Kimmies blog.

Have you joined the Kraftin Kimmie’s Krafty Friends fb group? It’s the best place to keep up with all of the goings on as well as sharing YOUR creations and getting inspired by other Krafty Friends’ creations.

Frugal Friday specials are up. Happy shopping! While you’re there, the February Release stamps are all in the store… WIN, WIN!


En härlig lördag och en ny utmaning hos Kraftin’ Kimmie igen. Den här sportiga killen är helt ny och färsk från februari-släppet. Den blå remsan jag använt är en spillbit från ett mixed mediaprojekt, och jag kunde bara inte slänga iväg den. Nu kom den till användning! Mitt kort är gjort efter februari-skissen (se ovan).

Häng med på veckans utmaning hos Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps – temat är Skissen eller Mörkblå, Ljusblå, Silver/Grå färger ! Du kan använda vilka stämplar du vill, men givetvis dubblas vinstchanserna om du använder stämplar från Kraftin Kimmie Stamps. En vecka har du på dig att länka in ditt bidrag i Kimmies blog.

Stamps:  Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps
Papers: ? , watercolor paper
Embellishments: Bling, Enamel Dots
Tools:Pierced Square (MFT)
Medium: Copics
Colors: White: C5-3-1-00, Black: 100-C9-7, Hair: E49-29-39

KKS – release february – blog hop day

KKS – release february – blog hop day

The new stamps are out!
You’ll find the new release of stamps at Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps.

I combined a tag and a card today. Since I have no experience of baseball I don’t have a clue about team colors etc as you can see. LOL. But I thought of him as playing at his backyard or something.

ALL of the FOUR new clear stamp sets that we’ve been sharing all week are now up in the krafty shop and we’re celebrating with a Krafty HOP.
So grab a nice hot beverage, sit back and relax while you hop around and enjoy all the amazing creations from the Krafty Design Team and Guests.

First up we shared TWO adorable new sets by artist Cheryl Grant, ALL ABOARD and SKY’S THE LIMIT.
Next we shared HOT from artist Annie Rodrigue, it’s called YOU’RE MY HERO.
Last up is a pair of athletic boys by artist Emilie Goulet called SPORTY BOYS.

You will get to see ALL of the new sets in action as you sit back and enjoy the hop! Then head on over to the krafty shop because they are ALL available NOW.
And if you HAVE to have it ALL, we also have our February Gimme Kimmies Kit which includes all FOUR of the new sets together and at a discount. But only for a limited time and while supplies last!

Don’t forget the you have until the 15th to get your order in for the Secret Klub set! The only clues we are giving you for this set are 1) it’s a set by artist Annie Rodrigue and 2) the theme is….fairytales! Feel free to order the secret set plus any new sets or extra goodies and Kimmie will ship everything together after the 15th.


Då var alla stämplar från Februarisläppet ute i webshoppen! Vi firar det med en blog hop och ger dig lite extra inspiration. Du hittar exempel från alla nya set i hoppen. Länkar till alla stämplar finns ovan i den engelska texten. Det finns även möjlighet under en begränsad period att alla till ett rabatterat pris som February Gimme Kimmies Kit.

Stamps:  Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Bling, Flowers, Cheesecloth, Doily, Juteribbon
Tools: Tags (MFT)
Other: Glossy Accent on glasses
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E00-01-21-11-04-R20, Hair: YR27-Y26-21, Brown: E29-27-25-23, Green: YG99-67-63-11, Bluish: BG78-75-72, Grey: W5-3-1

Thanks for hopping around with us on our RELEASE DAY!  Below is the list of Krafty Girls who have a project to share with you featuring ALL of the new clear FEBRUARY clear stamp sets! Hop on over to the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Shop because ALL the new stamps are NOW available! Happy hoppin'!
1. Danielle Vincent  7. Larisa Hohman  13. Tangii Crain  
2. Melanie Holtz  8. Alexis Smith  14. Jammie Barry Clark (Krafty Guest)  
3. Alberto Gava  9. Brianna Loeffelbein   15. Jasmine Turandar  
4. Deborah Deruyck  10. Cheryl Grant  16. Jessie Rone  
5. Lisa Nygards  11. Kerri Boucher (Krafty Guest)  17. Kim Reid  
6. Marilyn Webb  12. Martha Tucker  

(Linkup closed)

Lite sportaktivitet – för Copic Marker Sverige

Lite sportaktivitet – för Copic Marker Sverige

Today we have a team blog post over at Copic Marker Sweden just to celebrate all Sweden are in the middle of some winter holiday weeks (The week vary from region to region, and where I live the children have free from School next week).



Idag är det ett gemensamt inlägg i Copicbloggen och det gör vi för att “fira” lite att vi är mitt uppe i Sportlovstider! Kanske kan det inspirera till att göra ett kort med en ute-aktivitet eller en sportaktivitet (inte nödvändigtvis vinter).


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie Stamps, InkyWings
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Bling (Nellie Snellen), Flowers, Cheese Cloth
Tools: Pireced Square (MFT)
Medium: Copics
Colors: Find out over at Copic Marker Sweden