Updated Studio
Time for a update in the studio I think. Looks like I like to change it a bit during the winter… lol.
This time I’ve moved some shelves and put up small shelves on the wall for my colors etc.
That’s the visible part. I’ve also cleaned out lots of stuff I’ve have hidden under the bench from the time I sold lots of scrapbooking stuff. I still got my company left, but I just sell my own rubberstamps and run the photo business.
Time for a visit in my barn (yes, where the cows used to live!). Please note, I’ve been crafting since 1995, runned my own company with scrapbooking stuff since 2001 (nowdays just rubberstamps) so I have been collecting some stuff during the years… Everything named “craft” stays here, even though it’s my stuff or not.
This is the place where I mostly stand and do my crafts.
And a messy space behind my back with reacheble things.
Die cutting space and storage. I rearranged these shelves and put a table under to get a better space.
I put a chair here so I could sit if I like.
The wall for messy things – like colors, mists and stuff like that. I finally could update with some shelves here and get rid of the old mixed sized shelves.
So Happy I finally got some money to buy the shelves.
The long bench area we fixed when I first moved in here using it as a space to run my business. What’s left of it is now down in the corner. (Black boxes)
This was a great choice! To sort my color stuff into color boxes! When I craft I reach for a specific color more then I reach for a specific medium I think so in this way I can just grab my box of color and sort through to find something cool to use. I also found out I don’t need more of green and blue for example, but pink and orange is pretty empty… lol.
Tyckte det var dags för en liten uppdatering med bilder från studion. Det verkar som det förändras lite varje år under vinterhalvåret, speciellt efter nyår. Så även denna gång.
Jag flyttade några hyllor för att öppna upp lite och göra det luftigare, men samtidigt få mer av en “vägg” mot ingången så fotostudion inte blandas med pysselstudion för mkt. Sedan satte jag upp några hyllor för mina kladdprylar för att få det lite mindre rörigt där.