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KKS – WW jan 20th.

KKS – WW jan 20th.

It’s time for a Wonderful Wednesday!

I’ve used one of the brand new stamps for January on my card today.


The NEW release is LIVE and in the store at Kraftin’ Kimmie!
We want EVERYONE to be able to play along so your submission can use ANY stamp and can be any theme, any style, any design and it can be a card, a scrapbook page, an altered item….you name it. It must be a NEW creation and you can enter until January 26th at midnight! At the end of the month one random winner will be chosen from all the submissions for the whole month and will receive a $20 Gift Card to the shop!

In addition to the great Krafty Challenges & Wonderful Wednesday, each month we will post a Sketch.

The sketch will last all month long and if you use it in ANY of our Challenges or WW’s during that month you will get an additional chance to win a store gift card. You do NOT have to use the sketch, it’s just a little extra boost for your mojo if ya need it.


Då var det Onsdag igen och en ny härlig utmaning hos Kraftin Kimmie. Varje Onsdag är det “anything goes” och du kan bidra med vilket alster du vill, bara det är något stämplat på det! Du har en vecka på dig att ladda upp ditt bidrag i Kimmies blogg. Behöver du lite extra inspiration så finns skissen här ovan för Januari.


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie Stamps
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Flowers, Ribbon, Lace, Washitape
Tools: Stitched rectangle (Lawn Fawn)
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E00-01-21-11-04-93-95, Hair: E57-55-53-Y21, Shirt: B02-01-00, Shorts: W7-5-3, Cat: E09-99-97

KKS – January Release Blog Hop

KKS – January Release Blog Hop

It’s finally here! The RELEASE of Kraftin Kimmies very first new stamp sets of 2016!

And… it’s totally PAW-some!


We’ve released ALL the new clear stamp sets that we’ve been previewing all week and we’re celebrating with an amazing krafty HOP. So grab a nice hot beverage and put your feet up because you will need a few relaxing minutes to enjoy all the gorgeousness by our design team!

We have two beautiful sets from artist, Annie Rodrigue called MINNIE, MAISIE & ME! and PURR-FECT PRINCESS!
There’s a sweet new set by artist Cheryl Grant called TALK TO THE ANIMALS!
We’ve got a very special set by artist Emilie Goulet called A FURRY SURPRISE! What’s extra special about this set is that Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps will be donating a portion of the sale of each of this set to a local non-profit animal rescue organization! We want to help take care of our furry friends who are in need of rescue!
Lastly we have two fun new sets from artist, Becky Pearce called A PURR-FECT DAY! and TOTALLY PAW-SOME!


You will get to see ALL of the new sets in action as you sit back and enjoy the hop! Then head on over to the Krafty Shop because ALL of the new stamp sets are NOW AVAILABLE! And if you HAVE to have it ALL, we also have our January Gimme Kimmies Kit which includes all SIX of the new sets together and at a discount! But only for a limited time!
Now let’s celebrate with our NEW release and get hoppin’ and shoppin’!!

Då är alla nya härliga stämplar från Kraftin Kimmies första release för 2016 uppe i shoppen! Det finns sååå många sötnosar att välja bland! Idag blir det blog-hop och design teamet bjuder på ännu mer inspiration med dom nya stämplarna.

Veckans tema för min del har nog varit CAS, och dagens kort är gjort med stor inspiration från ett kort som Christina gjorde för ett tag sedan. :)


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie Stamps
Papers: Lili of the Valley
Embellishments: Bling (Nellie Snellen)
Tools: Stitched bouble (MFT)
Medium: Copics
Colors: Box: E30-31-33, Cat: W5-3-1-00

Thanks for hopping around with us on our RELEASE DAY!  Below is the list of Krafty Girls who have a project to share with you featuring ALL of the new clear S-PET-TACULAR stamp sets! Hop on over to the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Shop because ALL the new stamps are NOW available! Happy hoppin'!
1. Delphine  7. Lisa Nygards  13. Martha Tucker  
2. Elisabete Balcavage  8. Danielle Vincent  14. Alexis Smith  
3. Deborah Deruyck  9. Jessie Rone  15. Becky Pearce  
4. Melanie Holtz  10. Kelli Hull  16. Tracy Penney  
5. Marilyn Webb  11. Cheryl Grant  
6. Stephanie Beauchemin  12. Jenny Peterson  

(Linkup closed)

KKS – july release day 2

KKS – july release day 2

Welcome back to day two of the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps JULY 2015 previews!


Today we have TWO sassy new sets by artist, Annie Rodrigue. One, called BECKY BUBBLES was featured in our limited edition Kard Kit and NOW we are officially releasing it with the other July stamps. The second set is for all you caffeine junkies out there and it’s called ….COFFEE & FRIENDS.


You’ll find so many fabby creations on today’s hop featuring both new images and sentiments and I’m sure you are just going to LOVE both of these fun themes! You’ll be inspired as you check them out today.


Below you will find all the Krafty Girls and Guests who have goodies to show you today and while you’re visiting their blogs, be sure to leave some love at each stop because one lucky stamper from all the comments this week is going to WIN some $$ to the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps Shop!!


ALL of our JULY stamps will be available on Saturday night at the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps Shop!!! Be sure to join us for an hour of celebrating the new stamp sets, fun and prizes on Saturday evening at our LIVE ONLINE RELEASE PARTY! Come hang out with all the Krafty Girls.


Dags för dag två av förhandstitten av dom nya motiven för Juli månad från Kraftin Kimmie. Två favoriter! Jag har gjort kort med “Coffee & Friends” och den andra stämpeln med “Becky Bubbles” får ni se på söndag hos mig på Blog-hopen. Stämplarna släpps som sagt lördag kväll (midnatt Svensk tid) i KKS shop. Kommentera, häng med på utmaningarna och titta in på release-partyt så har DU chans att vinna presentkort i Kimmie-shoppen!


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Ribbon, Bling
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E000-00-21-11-04-93, Hair 1: E29-19-17-15, Hair 2: E35-YR23-Y21-00, Wood: E29-35-31, Red: R59-37-35, Green: YG17-13-11, Blue: B39-37-C7

Thanks for hopping around with us today!  Below is the list of Krafty Girls and Guests who have a project to share with you featuring the new COFFEE & FRIENDS and BECKY BUBBLES! stamp sets by Annie Rodrigue! Leave a little love at every stop during the previews this week to qualify for a chance to win a gift card from the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Shop! Prize winner will be announced at the LIVE Online Release Party on Saturday night!
1. Deborah Deruyck  7. Peggy Toole  13. Alexis Smith  
2. Kathy Tanner (Krafty Guest)  8. Christine Riley (Krafty Guest)  14. Kelli Hull  
3. Becky Pearce  9. Danielle Vincent  15. Lee Ann Barrett  
4. Tracy Penney  10. Tangii Crain  16. Jenny Peterson  
5. Marilyn Webb  11. Sue Taylor-Hill (Krafty Guest)  17. Lisa Nygards  
6. Elisabete Balcavage  12. Jessie Rone  18. Stephanie Beauchemin  

(Linkup closed)

Onsdagsutmaning hos Kraftin Kimmie Stamps

Onsdagsutmaning hos Kraftin Kimmie Stamps

Kraftin Kimmie Wednesday Challenge Graphic with Banner any stamp 1.3

It’s time for a new challenge and you’ll find my inspiration card below. I’ve used a brand new stamps for february – Squishy Hugs. Please join!


Det är dags för en ny onsdagsutmaning hos Kraftin Kimmie Stamps, och såklart ska du hänga på! Allt går är temat, så det finns ingen ursäkt. På dagens kort har jag utmanat mig själv att måla med lite mörkare färger, och ja, det var en riktig utmaning faktiskt! Jag har använt mig av dom rykande färska stämplarna från arket Squishy Hugs.


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie
Papers: Bo Bunny
Embellishments: Bling, Doily, Flowers (WOC), jute yarn,
Tools: Circle (CC Design), Butterflies + Black ornament pieces – actually a lovely border (Bo Bunny)
Other: Card base (GoKreate)
Colors: Skin: E000-00-21-11-04-93, Hair 1: E57-55-51, Shirt 1: RV69-66-63-W7, Pants 1: C9-7-5, Shirt 2: BG49-45-W7, Pants 2: C9-BV29-C7-BV25, Bench: C7-5-E44-42, Grass: G12-YG17-G85-G29