Orange Dots become Flowers in my Art Journal
Old ugly background partly painted over. Then the three big orange “dots” Dina made in some of her art inspired me and become flowers on this page. All “painted” with gloss spray.
Old ugly background partly painted over. Then the three big orange “dots” Dina made in some of her art inspired me and become flowers on this page. All “painted” with gloss spray.
Tried some acrylic pouring in my art journal and it become… different… Fun but maybe more for a canvas I think… it is a thick layer of color so a bit hard to close the journal.
Testade lite Acrylic Pouring i min Art Journal! Jag har använt mig av Dina Wakleys akrylfärger, och även hennes medium för just pouring. Funkade helt toppen och var superskoj att göra, men kanske inte lämpade sig superperfekt i en art journal… men men. Handlade ett kit för pouring hos CiLi in Papers.
Messy, fun and colorful in my Blue Dina-journal.
It’s funny how fast you start to like the bigger journals, those who where the least reached for before.
Now I play in all size of journals and like the variation.
Page in my Blue art journal with inspiration from Dina Wakleys classes and Lives. Much recommended!
Ett julkort som jag gjort för Design in Papers som du hittar i deras blogg! Kika in för info om produkter mm.