Green background with face in small Art Journal
Quick made, very green. I had dumped some green color at a page and thought I might do something on top of it and grabbed my scribble sticks…
New video (scroll down)!
Quick made, very green. I had dumped some green color at a page and thought I might do something on top of it and grabbed my scribble sticks…
New video (scroll down)!
Had a blast in Dinas class yesterday! Under the Gel Spell. You can buy the class and watch anytime! Just cutted all my papers to fit in a new journal.
You’ll find her classes at:
Another one of my collage pieces ended up on a burlap page. They are the hardest to use I think! This one had some white gesso on and the stencil pattern, but screamed for more…
Added one of my collage pieces to a jeans page in Dinas Blue Journal. Perfect!
Laddar ni? Det är dags att sparka ut det här konstiga året och välkomna 2021. GOTT NYTT ÅR! (Video längst ner)
Are you ready? Time to kick out this strange year and welcome 2021. HAPPY NEW YEAR! (scroll down for video)