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Etikett: CAS

KKS – Challenge sept 12th

KKS – Challenge sept 12th

Hi everyone! Welcome to another challenge at Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps! Today we have an extra little somethin’ somethin’ up our sleeves! We are releasing our NEWEST Sentiment set, SINCERE SYMPATHY. This set was designed by our own Becky!



Two things… First off, in celebration of this weekends Koffee Krop Kimmie is putting all stamps on sale for 20% off! All you have to do is use the code KOFFEE when you check out! The sale starts Saturday morning and ends Sunday night!!! FINE PRINT… when using the code, please only have stamps in your order. If you’d like to also order non-stamp items, please place a 2nd order for those items.

Next, are you playing along with the Kimmie & the Krafty Girls at the Koffee Krop? Well you don’t have to be at the event to play along! Join us on the Event Page for some fun chatter & challenges with prizes from some great sponsors!

We always enjoy your creations so be sure to submit them so you can have a chance to WIN a $20 gift card to the Shop!! Show us your stuff!! In keeping in line with the rest of our challenges (Wonderful Wednesday and our NEW Krafty Scrappy Challenge), we will be drawing one winner per month from all Saturday Challenge entries to win a $20 gift card!! You can enter as many times per month as you’d like!!

Now create a card, scrapbook page or altered item with a Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamp or any other stamp and be sure to use our THEME as a starting point for your creation!!! You will have until September 18th at 11:55 pm EST to get your entries in!
Pull out those fabby stamps and play along! Have some krafty fun and join us this week!

The challenge is joined via Kraftin’ Kimmies Blog!

Det är lördag och ny utmaning hos Kraftin Kimmie! Inte nog med det, det är Koffee Krop samtidigt och även ett släpp av helt nya fina text stämplar! Galet mycket skoj alltså! Häng med. Länkar finns i den engelska texten ovan så klicka dig fram. Eventet Koffee Krop är på Facebook, och lördagsutmaningen länkar du in ditt bidrag till via deras blog. Och rabatten – ja den får du i deras shop såklart! :)


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie
Papers: Kraft Cardstock
Embellishments: Bling (Nellie Snellen)
Tools: Stiched rectangle (Lawn Fawn)

You are loved – for Visible Image

You are loved – for Visible Image

Good Morning!
I’ll start this day with two lovey CAS-cards for Visible Image. First one is made with ink from ink pad stippled through a stencil, and then I’ve stamped the beautiful sentense Stay Strong in black on top. The other (pink) is made by brushing water on a water color paper and then add some color from spray mists by dripping and brushing it on. Let it dry complete and then stamp the words on top with black. I’ve used the new You are Loved, and I really love the bold fond on this one.


Idag startar jag dagen med två kort för Visible Image. Det första är en stöpplad bakgrund genom en stencil och det andra är lite kladdigare med akvarellpapper, vatten och mist-färger. Hur kul som helst att leka fram en bakgrund och sedan stämpla dom fina texterna i svart ovanpå.

Lite senare idag dyker det upp mer här i bloggen, så välkommen tillbaka!


Stamps:  Visible Image
Papers: Cardstock, Watercolor paper
Embellishments: Bling
Medium: Spray Mists, Ink Pads, Water colors

You will find all the amazing Visible Image Design Team inspiration over on the BLOG. Come and JOIN the Facebook Group where you can enter our NEW ‘Show & Tell Challenge‘ for your chance to WIN some awesome Visible Image stamps! And don’t forget to LIKE the Visible Image FACEBOOK PAGE too.

Words and colors for Visible Image

Words and colors for Visible Image

Since colors are so fun to play with, I can’t stop with just one card. The new sentiments are so perfect for stamping on a colorful background. I’ve played with different kinds of mist colors, but not the regular way (misting). I’ve wet the paper (watercolor paper) and then dripped and wiggled the color around. Dripped some more color, dried it, dripped some water on it and more color and another round until I liked it. It can’t be wrong, let the colors guide you!

Then the best part, to find a sentiment that match up with what I’ve created. Now I have several lovely new ones from Visible Image to play with so it became three cards today!

The sentiments used: Lilac card: Take the moment. Brown/Blue card: A best friend. Green card: Stay Strong.


Idag har jag inte mindre än tre färgglada kort att bjuda på!
När man väl börjar leka med färger så går det liksom inte att sluta. Med dom nya textstämplarna från Visible Image så blir det extra skoj att försöka matcha in en text med det man fått ihop. Länkarna till texterna hittar ni i det engelska stycket ovan.


Stamps:  Visible Image
Papers: Carstock, Watercolor paper
Embellishments: Bling, Sequins
Tools: spray mists, heat gun, water mister,
Other: thick modeling paste

You will find all the amazing Visible Image Design Team inspiration over on the BLOG. Come and JOIN the Facebook Group where you can enter our NEW ‘Show & Tell Challenge‘ for your chance to WIN some awesome Visible Image stamps! And don’t forget to LIKE the Visible Image FACEBOOK PAGE too.

KKS – july release day 2

KKS – july release day 2

Welcome back to day two of the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps JULY 2015 previews!


Today we have TWO sassy new sets by artist, Annie Rodrigue. One, called BECKY BUBBLES was featured in our limited edition Kard Kit and NOW we are officially releasing it with the other July stamps. The second set is for all you caffeine junkies out there and it’s called ….COFFEE & FRIENDS.


You’ll find so many fabby creations on today’s hop featuring both new images and sentiments and I’m sure you are just going to LOVE both of these fun themes! You’ll be inspired as you check them out today.


Below you will find all the Krafty Girls and Guests who have goodies to show you today and while you’re visiting their blogs, be sure to leave some love at each stop because one lucky stamper from all the comments this week is going to WIN some $$ to the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps Shop!!


ALL of our JULY stamps will be available on Saturday night at the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps Shop!!! Be sure to join us for an hour of celebrating the new stamp sets, fun and prizes on Saturday evening at our LIVE ONLINE RELEASE PARTY! Come hang out with all the Krafty Girls.


Dags för dag två av förhandstitten av dom nya motiven för Juli månad från Kraftin Kimmie. Två favoriter! Jag har gjort kort med “Coffee & Friends” och den andra stämpeln med “Becky Bubbles” får ni se på söndag hos mig på Blog-hopen. Stämplarna släpps som sagt lördag kväll (midnatt Svensk tid) i KKS shop. Kommentera, häng med på utmaningarna och titta in på release-partyt så har DU chans att vinna presentkort i Kimmie-shoppen!


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Ribbon, Bling
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E000-00-21-11-04-93, Hair 1: E29-19-17-15, Hair 2: E35-YR23-Y21-00, Wood: E29-35-31, Red: R59-37-35, Green: YG17-13-11, Blue: B39-37-C7

KKS – july release day 1

KKS – july release day 1

Time for another Amazing week with previews of the new JULY Kraftin Kimmie Stamps!


Today we are kickin’ things off with a GORGEOUS set featuring larger sentiments in beautiful fonts from artist, Becky Pearce!! The set is called….SWEET SUMMER SENTIMENTS!!


You’ll find so many amazing creations on today’s hop featuring this beautiful set! We know you are just going to LOVE these creations and you’ll be inspired as you check them out today!! There are NINE sentiments and THREE additional accessory stamps!!


Below you will find all the Krafty Girls and Guests who have goodies to show you today and while you’re visiting their blogs, be sure to leave some love at each stop because one lucky stamper from all the comments this week is going to WIN some $$ to the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps Shop!!
ALL of our JULY stamps will be available on Saturday night at the Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps Shop. Be sure to join us for an hour of celebrating the new stamp sets, fun and prizes on Saturday evening at our LIVE ONLINE RELEASE PARTY! Come hang out with us!


Tjohej! Dags för förhandsvisning av dom nya stämplarna för Juli månad hos Kraftin’ Kimmie Stamps. Från idag till lördag kommer vi visa dom nya kit som släpps och på söndag är det blog-hop med ytterligare massor av fina exempel från design teamet. Stämplarna släpps lördag kväll (midnatt svensk tid) på ett LIVE ONLINE RELEASE PARTY. Chans att vinna fina priser mm så häng med!


Stamps:  Kraftin Kimmie
Papers: Gummiapan
Embellishments: Butterfly, Flowers