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Etikett: Card

Skridskoprinsessa – för Bildmålarna

Skridskoprinsessa – för Bildmålarna

Back to snow, ice and winter again – LOL. It’s also my day over at Bildmålarna today.


Då var vi tillbaka till snö, is och vinter igen då. :) Det är ju min bloggdag idag även hos Bildmålarna.
Jag har hittat en söt liten skridskoprinsessa som jag absolut tyckte passade på julkort.


Stamps:  Bildmålarna
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Flowers, Brads, Bling, Buttons, Charm (Bildmålarna), Lace, Doily
Tools: Circle (Spellbinders), God Jul (Mandys), Flower with brad inside (Cheery Lynn Design), Big Doily in vellum (Martha Stewart punch), Snowflakes at side (Noor Design).
Other: Glitter glue, Cheese Cloth
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E000-00-21-11-04-R20, Coat: B0000-000-00-02, Hair: E11-15-18, Teddy: E47-44-43, Skates: E40-41-42-43-W3-1-00, Scarf: RV10-11-12-14

Fyll livet med vänner – för Copic Marker Sverige

Fyll livet med vänner – för Copic Marker Sverige

Today we jump of the autumn and winter track, and do something totally different. Today it’s lilac! This card is for Copic Marker Sverige.


Idag hoppar vi bort från virvlande höstlöv och snöfyllda julkort, det får bli något Lila istället! Dagens kort är till Copic Marker Sverige.


Stamps:  Saturated Canary, InkyWings
Papers: Maja Design, ?
Embellishments: Bling Pearls, Glitter Washi (Engströms)
Tools: Ovals (Spellbinders)
Medium: Copics
Colors: Find out at:

CMS önskar alla en trevlig fars dag!

CMS önskar alla en trevlig fars dag!

Today it’s fathers day here in Sweden. Hope you all will have a great day. Everyone in the design team at Copic Marker Sverige has done a card so please go have a look for inspiration.


Fars dag! Grattis alla pappor där ute i landet. Hela design teamet hos Copic Marker Sverige har gjort var sitt kort för att hylla denna dag så surfa över dit för lite inspiration.


Stamps:  Some Odd Girl, InkyWings
Embellishments: Black Doily
Tools: Stars (Lawn Fawn), Circles (Spellbinders)
Other: Glitter glue on stars
Medium: Copics
Colors: You’ll find out at Copic Marker Sverige



Back on track for the Christmas cards. I found out last year that it was actually a joy to do the christmas cards during the late autumn. Since I have a few dt assignments it comes naturally to make the christmascards pretty early. I was a bit worried if it would last this year too, but it was for nothing. I have a blast this year too! It’s harder to color other images and make other cards right now actually!


Tillbaka i julkortsspåret igen. Jag upptäckte förra året att jag faktiskt gillade att göra julkort under hösten. Det var liksom inga problem att starta redan i oktober med dessa. Eftersom jag har ett par DT-uppdrag så blev det mer eller mindre naturligt att börja med julkorten rätt tidigt eftersom reklamen skall ut i god tid innan jul. Jag oroade mig dock lite för att det inte skulle bli lika i år, men det var totalt i onödan! Mitt i hösten var det som att kliva över en tröskel och vips var alla motiv utbytta till jul och vintermotiv. Nu är det desto svårare att sticka emellan med andra motiv.

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Stamps:  Lili of the Valley, InkyWings
Papers: ?
Embellishments: Doily, Cheese Cloth, Glitter Tape, Flowers (Mandys + WOC)
Tools: Circle (Spellbinders)
Other: Frantage (Stampendous)
Medium: Copics
Colors: Teddy: E57-55-53, Star: Y17-15-13, Hat: R35-37-59-C5-3-1-00

A little sweet surprise

A little sweet surprise

Todays card is made for a DT-call at Whimsy stamps. It would be fun and an honor to be part of a design team overseas. Whimsy Stamps have a wide range of stamps in both rubber and digis, so I think most stampers can find something they like in their shop (I just found a ton of fun stuff!). It was a bummer to find out I don’t own any of their stamps in rubber, so I uses one of my digis from Wee stamps for this call. If I get a chance to join Whimsys DT I hope I can inspire the “readers” with my cards. I color most of my images with Copics, but once in a while I pick up my brush and watercolors for coloring.


I’ve tried to do an average “typical me”-card, but I think you know me by now if you read this blog… you’ll find anything from CAS to decorated, it just depends on the day. Since I have stamped and made cards since 1995, I like to fall back now and then and pick up stuff from the past and try them again.

Stamps:  Wee Stamps, InkyWings
Papers: Prima
Embellishments: Flowers (WOC), Bling
Tools: Circles (Spellbinders)
Medium: Copics
Colors: Skin: E50-51-21-11-93, Hair: Y21-YR23-E35, Dress: BG70-(71)-72-75, Wings: R00-01-02-BG0000-000-10, Flowers: R20-21-22

I’ll add these two cards as “extra” as they tells a bit more of my style. :)
I notice everything goes in circles here, but I think I vary a bit more then that… lol, you’ll find out if you scroll down my blog.

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