Soft and Simple Art Journal
Overpainted, simple, soft… sometimes art changes itself. It started totally different, more bright and bold, but this is what it ended up like. Like it!
Overpainted, simple, soft… sometimes art changes itself. It started totally different, more bright and bold, but this is what it ended up like. Like it!
Old ugly background partly painted over. Then the three big orange “dots” Dina made in some of her art inspired me and become flowers on this page. All “painted” with gloss spray.
Messy, fun and colorful in my Blue Dina-journal.
It’s funny how fast you start to like the bigger journals, those who where the least reached for before.
Now I play in all size of journals and like the variation.
Page in my Blue art journal with inspiration from Dina Wakleys classes and Lives. Much recommended!