Vinnare av Blog-Candy!
Då har jag dragit en vinnare bland er som var sugna på lite Blogg-godis! :)
Jag använde mig av och resultatet blev följande:
E-maila mig (klicka på “contact”) din adress så kommer det lite godis på posten!

Just a few days left…
Glöm inte…
Blog Candy!
As a thanks from my heart I have this Blog Candy to share with you today. I celebrate 10000 vievers here in my blog.
(Click picture to get it in a new window and download to share.)
If you would like to win this “candy” please do this:
1) Share it in your own blog (with picture and link to this post = )
2) Write a comment to this (my) post and make sure you’ll link back to your post where you share it.
3) Optional (frivillig) – Like Lisas Pysselblogg on facebook! :) (link in the menue to the left)
Here is a smaller picture if you like to use that instead:
(Click picture to get it in a new window and download to share.)
You need to do this before Januari 21st. Then I will select a winner via The winner will be presented in the end of January and contacted if there is an e-mail to contact you (doesn’t show in your comment but I can see it). If I haven’t get an answer from the winner by february 5th a new winner will be drawn, so please check in here so you won’t miss your chance!
Once again – lots of thanks for visiting me! See you!