Abstract Taster Session from Lifebook 2022
This is a taster session for Lifebook 2022 from Jenny Manno and it was really relaxing
and lovely to make. I got to use stuff from my stash not used for long. Love it!

This is a taster session for Lifebook 2022 from Jenny Manno and it was really relaxing
and lovely to make. I got to use stuff from my stash not used for long. Love it!
Starting with what you think is the last thing… and building a face.
Weird and so cool! Love what they become even though they are wonky and not at all “beautiful”.
A friend told me it could be my children – and omg – she is right! Not at all drawn from their portrait, but still!
Thank you Emma Petitt for the coolest session!
Abstract in my kraft journal.
Abstract shapes in my Blue Art Journal. Video uploaded to YouTube!
Got feeling and played with my stabilo all pencil and some acrylics and collage paper words from @dinawakley Planned to add more but backed off and leaved it as is. I have no idea of what it is… We can call it happy roads…