Art Journal with hÄnglar & Wings
Art Journal page made for hÄnglar & Wings with some new stamps.

Art Journal page made for hÄnglar & Wings with some new stamps.
Card with stamps from @hanglarwing. Branch and flowers are brand new stamps. Inspired by @christelle.lafont and her beautiful craft cards.
Igår släppte vi nya stämplar hos @hanglarwings Här är några av de nya stämplarna med rosor på en Art Journalsida. Texten stämplat med fyllt alfabet! Båda hittar du i webshopen. ? ?? Our new roses on an Art Journal page. Sentense is stamped with one of our alphabets. Both will be found in @hanglarwings webshop.
Chin up or the crown slips! A princess from hÄnglar & Wings.
Had so much fun this weekend in my studio. Lots of cards made. Mooo! Stencil & cow from @hanglarwings